DWC welcomes tourism recovery package

06 May 2021
Development West Coast
Development West Coast has welcomed Tourism Minister Stuart Nash’s announcement of a $200m tourism recovery package, more than half of which will go to support the five hardest hit South Island regions, including South Westland.

Tourism recovery package

“We appreciate that the government has recognised the significant impact Covid-19 has had on communities like South Westland,” says DWC’s Economic Development Manager Jo Birnie.

In addition to the targeted support, Regional Tourism Organisations across the country will receive a new round of annual grant funding of $26 million to plan and promote tourism activities.

“This funding is a great step in supporting our tourism industry on the West Coast to rebuild and transform for the future of tourism,” says Ms Birnie.

“We are working through the details with the government regarding how the funding will be allocated and the conditions around this. As with any funding the devil is in the detail.

“The funding will assist in adopting a destination management approach to tourism, industry capability and product development, and marketing activity to stimulate demand.”

Under the recovery package, local councils can apply to another round of the Tourism Infrastructure Fund, with $16.5 million of new investment.

“We will be working with the district councils on this additional round of funding to ensure we are aligned, and the funding is optimised,” says Ms Birnie.

“We’re pleased that the recovery package also includes psychological and social wellbeing support and training, support for capability building, and extensions to the fee waiver for operators on public conservation land. These are all things we had proposed to the minister.”

“Although the government has allocated $35m (17.5%) of the total funding to just two of the five targeted community areas, we aim to work with our neighbouring regions to leverage and optimise this funding.”

“We appreciate that the government has recognised the significant impact Covid-19 has had on communities like South Westland,”

Jo Birnie, DWC's Economic Development Manager