Leading Light Business Excellence Awards
Entries are now open for the 7th Development West Coast Leading Light Business Excellence Awards. The gala event will be held on Friday, 18 March 2022 at the West Coast Events Centre at Shantytown.
“The past year has been an incredibly challenging time for businesses on the Coast,” said DWC Chief Executive Heath Milne.
“But many have shown extraordinary innovation, adaptation and leadership through this period.
“We need to acknowledge and celebrate their achievements, and the Leading Light Awards will do exactly that.
“We have reshaped the Awards to reflect the current environment, recognising and celebrating the West Coast’s resilience during this time.”
Award categories:
- NZME – Small Enterprise Award (less than 10 FTE’s),
- Crombie Lockwood – Medium Enterprise Award (10-24 FTE’s),
- Duncan Cotterill – Large Enterprise Award (25+ FTE’s and over),
- Department of Conservation – Sustainability Award,
- Isaac – Workplace Wellbeing Award.
Special award categories:
- Great Journeys of New Zealand - COVID Hero Award,
- Greymouth Star – Rising Star Award.
All category award winners will go in the running to win the Development West Coast – Supreme Award.
Coastpak Besgrow took home the Development West Coast Supreme Award in 2018 saying: “Winning the Crombie Lockwood Medium Enterprise Awards as well as the DWC Supreme Award was a humbling experience and has had a positive impact on team morale on the factory floor as well as on international sales,."
Cindy Hopper from West Coast Scenic Waterways said the impact of winning the 2018 Greymouth Star - Rising Star Award was priceless in value and exposure for their business.
“It has provided us with a lot more credibility with our trade partners, operators and clients. It has built a sense of pride and achievement in what we have worked so hard for and has encouraged us to keep delivering our best to our trade partners and guests.”
Businesses can enter the Awards online at www.leadinglight.co.nz. Entries close 10 December. Finalists will be announced 9 February 2021 with the Awards ceremony on the evening of 18 March 2022.