Sam Henry is the newest member of the team here at Te Ohu Whakawhanake o Te Tai Poutini.
Sam has a wealth of experience in business development and business management. He has significant knowledge and experience in large scale project management and community development.
He has held senior roles within the Ministry of Māori Development and Inland Revenue, run his own property portfolio in Auckland and has lectured and taught small business management for Te Waananga O Aotearoa, Auckland.
“I’m passionate about Māori business development and people,” Sam said.
"I’m looking forward to utilising my skills and knowledge to assist Māori business growth in Te Tai Poutini."
Sam’s role as Māori Business Capability Advisor is to identify and work with all Māori businesses to help them achieve their business goals and aspirations through support, business information, advice, and mentoring as well as connecting to capability building opportunities.
Contact Sam: