Development West Coast welcomes the shift to Phase 3 as it is more pragmatic for businesses than Phase 2. Changes in self-isolation rules mean more staff will be able to keep working.
Under Phase 3, staff will no longer have to self-isolate if someone on their team is a confirmed case. Only confirmed cases and household contacts need to isolate. If a household contact is vaccinated and asymptomatic, they may be able to continue to work if they work in a 'Bubble of one' or are a 'Critical Worker'.
It's important to stress businesses can continue operating during Phase 3.
Please see below for more information about Phase 3 and the different forms of COVID-19 support you may be entitled to.
What is phase 3?
Phase 3 is designed to help the health system handle an Omicron outbreak. The shift means a greater focus on individual responsibility.
Be Prepared for Covid-19
Getting tested for COVID-19
You should only get a COVID-19 test if:
- you have symptoms, or
- you are a Household Contact
Critical workers who are Household Contacts will still be able to use Rapid Antigen Tests (RAT) to return to work, if they are fully vaccinated and do not have any COVID-19 symptoms. They will need to return a negative RAT before they go to work.
If you test positive for COVID-19
You will need to isolate for 10 days. You will be sent a link to complete an online form, which will help identify locations you have visited and people you have come into close contact with.
Close Contacts
At Phase 3, Close Contacts no longer need to isolate. If you get a notification from your workplace, school or through the NZ COVID Tracer app that you are a Close Contact, you should monitor your symptoms for 10 days. If you develop symptoms get a test, and you should isolate until you get your result.
Who is a Close Contact?
You are a Close Contact if you have had contact with a person with COVID-19 when they were infectious.
You are a Close Contact in the following situations:
- If you have been close (within 1.5 metres) to someone who has COVID-19 for more than 15 minutes, and they were not wearing a face mask or not wearing it properly.
- If you have had direct contact with a person who has COVID-19. For example, kissing, or if the person coughed or sneezed on you.
- If you spent time in an indoor space with someone who has COVID-19 for more than 1 hour and at least one of the following.
- They were singing, shouting, smoking, vaping, exercising, or dancing.
- They were not wearing a face mask or it was not on properly.
- It was poorly ventilated.
- It was smaller than 100m2 (about 3 double garages).
How you will be notified?
If you have been identified as a Close Contact of someone with COVID-19, you may be notified by:
- the person has COVID-19
- a text message or call from the National Investigation and Tracing Centre (NITC)
- an orange Bluetooth alert on the NZ COVID Tracer app dashboard
- a yellow notification on the NZ COVID Tracer app dashboard if you scanned in at a location of interest
- your employer or school.
What you need to do
You do not need to self-isolate if you are a Close Contact.
Monitor yourself for symptoms, and if you develop any, get a test.
If you live with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19, you are considered a Household Contact and will need to isolate for 10 days.
Managing household contacts
If a household contact is vaccinated and asymptomatic, they may be able to continue to work if they work in a 'Bubble of one' or are a 'Critical Worker'.
Guidance for household contacts
'Bubble of one' worker exemption
Available to all businesses
Any business or sole trader may have a worker who is a household close contact on-site if this worker is not customer facing, and can maintain a ‘bubble of one’ while at work (including travel to and from work).
The requirements are that the worker:
- is vaccinated,
- does not have any symptoms (asymptomatic),
- is able to maintain an individual ‘bubble of one’ while at work (whether indoors or outdoors),
- they are not required to use rapid antigen testing as part of this, nor are businesses required to register for 'bubble of one'.
Close contact exemption scheme
Available to 'critical' businesses
Workers at registered critical services who are vaccinated and asymptomatic close contacts of a COVID-19 case will be able to continue to work, as long as they return a negative rapid antigen test prior to each day/shift they are at work during the isolation period, and follow specific health protocols.
They will only be allowed to go to work – not anywhere else.
Workers who are participating in the scheme will be able to collect free Rapid Antigen Test kits from a collection site.
COVID-19 business support
New COVID support payment
A new targeted COVID Support Payment will be made available for businesses struggling with revenue during the Omicron outbreak.It will be available on a fortnightly basis for six weeks, with three payments in total.
Each COVID Support Payment will be $4000 per business plus $400 per full-time employee, capped at 50 FTEs or $24,000. This is the same rate as the most recent Transition Payment.
To get the first payment you will need to show income is 40% lower in a 7-day period any time from February 16, compared to a typical 7-day period between 5 January 2022 and 15 February 2022.
Applications for the first payment open on 28 February, with payments starting from 1 March.
Small Business Cashflow Loans Scheme
Changes are also being made to the Small Business Cashflow Loans Scheme to increase the amount of funding available to eligible businesses through the introduction of a ‘top up’ loan.
The top up loan will allow those firms that have already accessed a loan to draw down an additional $10,000 with a new repayment period of 5 years and the first 2 years being interest free.
Small Business Cashflow Loans Scheme
Changes are also being made to the Small Business Cashflow Loans Scheme to increase the amount of funding available to eligible businesses through the introduction of a ‘top up’ loan.
The top up loan will allow those firms that have already accessed a loan to draw down an additional $10,000 with a new repayment period of 5 years and the first 2 years being interest free.
Leave Support Scheme
The COVID-19 Leave Support Scheme is available to employers to help pay employees who have been advised to self-isolate because of COVID-19 and can’t work from home. It’s also available to eligible self-employed workers.
The scheme is paid at a rate of $600 per week for full-time workers and $359 per week for part-time workers.
COVID-19 employment guide
Employment New Zealand has put together a guide for workers with answers to frequently asked questions at different COVID-19 traffic light settings.