DWC’s Westport flood relief package has contributed $200,000 to CEA as third-party funding for retrofitting free ceiling and underfloor insulation and subsidised heating. This collaboration has leveraged additional funding from the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority (EECA), allowing a significant amount of work to be completed in Buller.
From July through to mid-January 2022 nearly 100 homes have been assisted in Buller, with over $280,000 worth of funding being utilised so far (nearly $70,000 of which was from DWC’s funding).
CEA’s Chief Executive Caroline Shone said working on the Coast has been fantastic. Her team has been “overwhelmed by the emails and letters of thanks.”
“We are grateful that we have been allowed to do what we do, as we know it has benefitted Buller by creating healthier and warmer homes,” she said.
DWC Chief Executive Heath Milne said DWC is proud to support the initiative.
“In addition to the social benefits of improving the housing stock in Buller, the funding is having positive flow down effects, supporting local suppliers.”
Over the years CEA has been working with organisations from the Mitre 10’s, local councils, the West Coast Community Trust, Public Health and the DHB, to assist those most vulnerable.
“More recently, CEA has been fortunate to start working in partnership with the DWC,” Mrs Shone said.
Prior to the Westport Flood Relief package, DWC allocated $150,000 over three years towards the Warmer Kiwi Homes programme to retrofit insulation across the West Coast. This contract is currently in its third year.
DWC’s additional flood support funding has enabled greater resources for retrofitting Buller homes.
Funding assistance through the insulation/heating programme is still available for those whose homes were built prior to 2008, and meet the eligibility criteria.
For more information contact CEA: info@cea.co.nz, (03) 374 7222 or 0800 GETWARM

Westport Flood Recovery Community Hub
The Buller District Council has established a Community Hub to help those affected by the flood get the information and support they need.
The DWC/CEA programme is part of the assistance available to residents affected in the Buller area.