Te Hōtaka tukunga pūtea kaupapa ā-Takiwā
The West Coast Regional Events Fund is part of the government’s $50 million Regional Events Fund which aims to stimulate domestic tourism by supporting existing events to continue to operate or supporting new events to form. It is designed to stimulate travel between regions through holding events, supporting the tourism and event sector and helping to replace some of the spend lost from international tourists because of COVID-19.
Funding rounds are bi-annual and applications can be made only once a year for either the April or the October funding round. Applications will be assessed against a strict set of criteria and the fund’s foundation principles.
The key focus for the panel is to ensure that those events funded will maximise economic benefit to the region, optimise the regions assets and venues, drive out-of-region, non-competing domestic visitation in order to help compensate for some of the shortfall created by the lack of international visitors.
The West Coast Event fund is a twice-yearly contestable fund.
Benefits that regional events provide:
- Build a sense of connection among the West Coast's diverse and regionally dispersed communities and special interest groups.
- Develop pride in and enjoyment of the West Coast.
- Regional economic multiplier effects, i.e. audiences attracted to regional events will normally spend money on transport, kai and sometimes tickets and products associated with the event.
- Add to the vibrancy of life on the West Coast with the diverse range of opportunities in a region-wide annual event calendar
To meet the criteria for a 'regional event' set out in the Regional Events Fund Guidelines, an event:
- delivers regional objectives.
- helps to deliver on West Coast-wide strategies, such as strategies for sport and recreation, and arts and culture.
- offers a distinctive event proposition for our region.
- demonstrates that it draws from a regionally-distributed audience (for example, that the event appeals to a specific demographic or interest group throughout the West Coast region).
- demonstrates a size and scale that is regionally significant.
- has a region-wide and possibly national profile (as demonstrated through media and wide public awareness).
- demonstrates that there will be clear benefits from coordinating decisions at a region-wide level (e.g. holding an event at many sites across our region to ensure regional distribution, attract sponsors, and market and promote the whole region).
Timeline for 2023
Funding round 1
- Application window open: 1 - 31 May 2023
- Outcome communicated: mid-June 2023
- Event dates: 1 July 2022 - 30 June 2024
Funding round 2
- Application window open: 1 October - 31 October 2023
- Outcome communicated: mid-December 2023
- Event dates: 1 January 2024 - 1 December 2024
How to apply for funding support
- Before you apply please make sure to read the West Coast Regional events fund guidelines to ensure you fully understand the eligibility requirements and the assessment criteria.
- Accept and agree to the DWC Regional Event Fund Terms and Conditions
- Prepare the required information including supporting documents; and the DWC Fund Application Form
Applicants can register expressions of interest all year round.
On receipt of applications
Applications for funding will be assessed by the DWC Regional Event Fund Panel. Events will undergo a due diligence assessment prior to any referral to the Regional Events Fund Investment Panel. The REFIP is made up of representatives from within the Canterbury and West Coast region and includes an independent member with event industry knowledge from outside of the region. This panel will recommend the allocation of the funds and then all investment recommendations are reviewed by ChristchurchNZ for final approval and contracting.
Successful applicants
Once funding has been approved, all successful applicants will receive a funding agreement. This is a formal contract which outlines what is expected of event organisers and the amount of funding granted. The funding agreement will also outline the post-event reporting requirements for event organisers.
Issuing funding
- 75% of funding will be available at time of confirmation of funding.
- 25% within 2 weeks of completion of the event post-event criteria
For information on eligibility, ineligibility and completing a funding application:

“The Regional Events Fund is an excellent tool for creating opportunities that would otherwise only be good ideas. I see the key benefit of the REF is to ignite projects and make them happen. If someone has a sound idea and concept, and believes it will have positive and lastly benefits for a community, the REF can turn the idea into reality. I encourage people to think creatively for ways to build our regions and continue to make them better places, for residents, visitors and the environment"
- Franz Josef
- 1 to 4 December, 2022