Okarito Plant Project: A Big 6 Months & Even Bigger Things Ahead!

Over the past six months the Okarito Plant Project (OPP) has achieved several major milestones. The OPP has developed a strategic plan, formed new partnerships and has in place a range of exciting plans for the next 12 months!

Businesses membership continues to grow as awareness of the projects purpose, values and impacts becomes more widespread. Businesses involved have integrated the Ōkārito Plant Project story into their respective operations, sharing their involvement with visitors to the region. The Ōkārito Plant Project story provides all businesses involved with an authentic story to share. The early indications suggest that visitor’s who travel to South Westland with a high interest in connecting with nature are very keen to understand more about the project and conservation activities being undertaken across the region.

At the Ōkārito Plant Project’s first AGM in October 2024, the impacts of the project to date were shared and the future direction of the project was discussed with business members. The project has commenced work to establish a Stakeholder Council—a network of experts and advocates ready to help the project navigate challenges, secure funding, and keep driving the project forward.

🌱 Big wins. The OPP secured its first corporate sponsor. The sponsor will help fund a permanent part-time nursery manager—a crucial role in keeping our native plants thriving. The project is currently also seeking funding to employ an administrative assistant. This employment position will bring widespread positive impacts for businesses, landowners, communities and nature and to help manage the ever-growing complexity of planning, planting, and expanding the project.

🌿 The Ōkārito Plant Project have commenced work to be involved in community planting effort in Franz Josef. This project will provide locals and visitors a hands-on way to get involved in conservation.

💪 What’s next – The project has a healthy stock of plants ready to go, thanks to a year of propagation and careful hardening off. This means big planting days are coming up through autumn and winter, as well as major maintenance days at existing sites to ensure everything continues to thrive.

The Okarito Plant Project is a shining example of “regenerative tourism” and of how different sectors of our surrounding communities are joining and working together helping to protect and restore our landscapes. By supporting the businesses involved in this project you can help too.

Join us in championing sustainability, supporting farmers giving back to the land, protecting our waterways and increasing habitat for our wildlife and creating a legacy that visitors can connect with.

Contact: info@okaritonursery.co.nz