Franz Josef Glacier/Ka Roimata o Hine Hukatere
Sights worth seeing

Best walks to view the West Coast glaciers

Franz Josef Glacier/Kā Roimata o Hine Hukatere


The famed twin glaciers of Fox and Franz Josef are among New Zealand’s most memorable and accessible outdoor spectacles; no wonder these natural marvels have long been attracting curious tourists.

Tantalisingly close at only 300 m above sea level and within sight of the coast, you can get a good view of these icy alpine monsters with sometimes surprisingly little effort even though there are no walking tracks that go all the way onto the ice.

Visiting the glaciers is a year-round experience and – if you want to avoid the crowds – well worth considering in winter when the weather is more stable, there’s more snow and fewer people around. Glacier Country has 30 walking tracks; here’s a list of the best walks featuring views of Fox and Franz Josef glaciers.

Te Kopikopiko o te Waka Fox Lookout, West Coast 4 (credit Clint Trahan)-medium Te Kopikopiko o te Waka Fox Lookout, West Coast 4 (credit Clint Trahan)-medium
Te Kopikopiko o te Waka

A sculptural representation of a legendary Māori waka at Fox Glacier Lookout. Credit: Cliff Trahan

Super easy

Te Kopikopiko o te Waka at Fox Glacier Lookout

From Fox Glacier Village, it’s just a short drive and a few steps to some of the most commanding views of Fox Glacier/Te Moeka o Tuawe. Take a picnic lunch to Te Kopikopiko o te Waka for a pleasant stop on a fine, clear day.

Easily spotted on the road out to Gillespies Beach, this giant sculptural representation of a legendary Māori waka floats between flat, landscaped walkways and plantings. The giant artwork depicts a capsized canoe strategically placed to draw the eye towards spectacular views of the glacier and New Zealand’s highest mountain, Aoraki/Mt Cook. Climb up on the sculpture for the best view or camera angle.

The installation tells the Ngāi Tahu story of an ancestor called Aoraki and the creation of the Southern Alps. It is part of the DOC/Heritage New Zealand Tohu Whenua collection of significant historical and cultural sites.

Glacier walk Glacier walk
Franz Josef Glacier Walk

An easy 15 minute walk to a view of Franz Josef Glacier


Franz Josef Glacier/Kā Roimata o Hine Hukatere Walk

Family-friendly and super accessible. From Franz Josef Village, drive (or cycle) the 5 km to the start of this short walk in the lower reaches of the glacier valley.

The easy, 15-minute walk (1.4 km for the return trip) through the rainforest culminates with views of Franz Josef Glacier. The glacier terminates at 2000 m further up the valley but the river cuts off any closer access.

An early European explorer named the ice giant after the Austrian emperor of the era but long before that, it was known to Māori as Kā Roimata o Hine Hukatere. The name refers to the tragic love story of Hine Hukatere who lost her lover Wawe on the mountain.

Canavans Knob track Canavans Knob track
Canavans Knob Walk

Walk through rainforest to a commanding view of Franz Josef Glacier


Canavans Knob Walk (Franz Josef)

Follow the track up Canavans Knob — a granite outcrop at 249 m with commanding views of the sea and coastal plain to one side, and back up the Waiho River to Franz Josef Glacier and the Southern Alps above.

This short, gradual climb on a well formed track begins in the rainforest. It’s an easy 3.2 km or 1 to 1 hr 40 min return. Park at the bottom of the track or, for a longer walk, start from Franz Josef village, crossing the Waiho River Bridge and following the road.

The hill was named after Richard Canavan, a prominent local man who lived in Okarito during gold rush times. The knob is made of granite that withstood the movement of glacier ice around 9000 years ago.

Fox Glacier southside Moraine Walk credit Geoff Marks Fox Glacier southside Moraine Walk credit Geoff Marks
Moraine Walk

Walk in the steps of a retreating glacier just south of Fox village. Credit: Geoff Marks


Moraine Walk (Fox Glacier)

Catch a glimpse of how Fox Glacier has changed and evolved over time on this short side trip (40-minute, 1.4 km return via the same track). It’s just south of Fox village and off the main Fox Glacier South Side walkway/cycleway (see below).

Walk through lush rainforest and across glacial moraine debris left some 400 years ago as the glacier retreated. It’s now covered with bush in varied stages of maturity that is slowly taking over the rocky landscape. You’ll need to continue on up the main cycleway for views of Fox Glacier.

Fox Glacier Southside Geoff Marks.JPG Fox Glacier Southside Geoff Marks.JPG
Fox Glacier South Side Walk & Cycleway

Great views of Fox Glacier from the South Side Walk & Cycleway. Credit: Geoff Marks


Fox Glacier South Side Walk & Cycleway

This popular walking and mountain biking trail leads to two glacier viewpoints. It’s a 2-hour (6.4 km) walk or 1-hour return bike ride, and is open year-round.

An easy, well-formed trail begins in ancient podocarp rainforest alongside the Fox River. It’s about a 40-minute walk to the first glacier viewpoint as the track climbs steadily to an old car park where the cycle track finishes. The descent offers spectacular views of boulders and the distant glacier (about 2600 m from the terminal face). Return via the moraine walkway on a pretty, narrow trail through pristine forest.

Franz Josef Glacier from Alex Knob Franz Josef Glacier from Alex Knob
Franz Josef Glacier from Alex Knob

It's a demanding 8-hour return walk for superb views of glaciers, mountains and the sea.


Alex Knob (Franz Josef)

Considered one of the region’s best day walks, the 17.2-km (8-hour return) Alex Knob Track climbs to 1303 m from lowland forest to high alpine meadows, affording superb views of glaciers, mountains and the sea.

This steep, challenging climb, at times rocky and slippery after rain, is for experienced and well equipped trampers. The track rises through mixed terrain — from rainforest to sub-alpine scrub, alpine meadows and herb fields. Start early to avoid cloud cover and the reward is the best views of Franz Josef Glacier/Kā Roimata o Hine Hukatere without taking a helicopter flight.

Alex Knob is named after Alex Graham, one of the brothers in an early mountaineering and guiding family.

Roberts point.JPG Roberts point.JPG
Roberts Point (Franz Josef)

Great views on this challenging day hike through Franz Josef Glacier Valley.


Roberts Point (Franz Josef)

Roberts Point is a challenging day hike (11 - 12.3 km, 5 to 5.5-hour return) through steep, varied terrain in the Franz Josef Glacier Valley. The trail is open year-round but is steep and rocky at times, and can be very slippery. It is only recommended for experienced and well equipped trampers.

The track over ice-carved rock to Roberts Point affords good views of the glacier along with spectacular sheer rock walls, many waterfalls and mountain peaks. It includes a series of impressive swing bridges and an exciting cantilevered walkway around a cliff face.

A challenging but amazing full day trek up the rugged and steep route to Mt Fox. Are you up to it? A challenging but amazing full day trek up the rugged and steep route to Mt Fox. Are you up to it?
Mount Fox Route (Fox Glacier)

A rough, expert-level trail leads to impressive views of Fox Glacier.


Mount Fox Route (Fox Glacier)

NOTE: Reserved for expert (very experienced and well-equipped) trampers, check with Westland Tai Poutini National Park Visitor Centre before starting.

Best described as a rough route, the 7.4 km (8-hour return) track rises to 1345 m and includes very steep sections necessitating some scrambling. The rewards feature impressive views of Fox Glacier, the Southern Alps and coastal forests though cloud and mist can obscure the views.


For more detailed and up-to-date information on routes, conditions and essentials needed for walks, please visit the Department of Conservation website.

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