Te Tahi "Adventure Caving": Is full on expedition style caving with small numbers in one of NZ’s most sporty caves. Participants explore an amazing form cave complete with abseils, climbs, squeezes and crawls along cascading waterways.
Adventure Caving is the specialist pursuit of Underworld Adventures Ltd - the one from which the Company grew.
Adventure Caving combines aspects of most pursuits while allowing adventurers to experience the untamed power and beauty of nature at work all in a labyrinth of active limestone passages. The cave was discovered and explored by members of Underworld Adventures and is experienced in its unmodified form.
Te Tahi is a brilliant cavers cave, on the edge of extreme and only for those who demand "real" adventure. It is fun filled action at its best, with a 120 foot abseil into 'Hi Hi' tomo, abseils and climbs within the cave, chimneys around over and through obstacles, rock 'squeezes' with climbs and crawls to negotiate narrow waterways