West Coast Climate Action Support Programme - Business Capability Series

17 April, 2024
$1400 + GST
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We are excited to invite you to join our Climate Action Programme, a unique opportunity for businesses to learn why, and how to reduce their emissions and gain a competitive edge.

About the programme

The programme, developed and facilitated by the Sustainable Business Network (SBN), consists of four workshops, each lasting two hours.

Three of the workshops will be held online, and the final one will be in person.

The location of the in-person workshop will be decided based on the geographical distribution of the participants, in order to minimise the environmental impact of travel.

Wednesday, 17 April, 9.30 - 11.30: Learn Lab 1 - online

  • The advantages of lowering your carbon footprint
  • SBN experts explaining climate change and the need for business action.
  • A detailed look at Climate Action Toolbox and how it can help.
  • Run through of an example footprint measurement.

Thursday, 16 May, 9.30-11.30: Learn Lab 2 - online

  • SBN experts to cover topics that are popular amongst the group in more detail e.g. energy, transport, freight.
  • Types of carbon calculations, carbon accounting standards, ISO and GHG protocols.
  • Scopes 1,2, and 3, verification and certification, product and service level.
  • Group discussion on progress so far.

Wednesday, 12 June, 9.30-11.30: Learn Lab 3 - online

  • The final learn lab content will be determined upon evaluation of cohort needs.  Topics could include carbon claims, setting targets, involving your team and creating buy-in.

Wednesday, 26 June, 9.30-11.30: Wrap up session - in person

  • Participants report on progress of their initial footprint measurement and present climate action plans – including short term and long term actions.
  • This session will include a recap, a final share, takeout messages and final recommendations

Why join the Climate Action Programme?

Customers/consumers are becoming increasingly environmentally conscious and are more likely to support businesses committed to sustainability. By reducing carbon emissions and adopting environmentally friendly practices, businesses can differentiate themselves in the market and enhance their brand reputation.

Environmental responsibility: Carbon emissions are a significant contributor to climate change. By reducing carbon emissions, businesses can mitigate their environmental impact and contribute to efforts to combat climate change.

Regulatory compliance: NZ Government has committed to both international and domestic emission targets. Net Zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. Climate Change Response Act 2002. Emissions Reduction Plan. Energy efficiency work programmes. Electricity system work programmes. Gas transition plan. Reducing emissions and energy use in industry programmes.

Cost savings: Reducing carbon emissions often goes hand in hand with improving energy efficiency and resource management.

Risk management: Climate change and its impacts pose significant risks to businesses, including supply chain disruptions, increased operating costs, and reputational damage.

Investment: Investors and banks are increasingly considering environmental factors when making investment decisions.

By participating in the programme, you will benefit from:

  • Increased knowledge of the advantages of lowering your carbon footprint, such as cost savings, improved reputation, and customer loyalty.
  • A tailored action plan, with simple and practical steps to reduce your emissions using the free online climate action toolbox.
  • Work in progress on measuring your carbon footprint using the emissions calculator in the climate action toolbox.
  • Increased awareness of your emission hotspots and how to address them using the carbon calculator in the climate action toolbox.
  • Work in progress on implementing your climate action plan and monitoring your progress.
  • Networking opportunities with other local businesses who share your commitment to sustainability.

The investment for the programme is $1400 + GST  as Development West Coast is subsidising the programme. Please note that you cannot register for individual workshops.

To join the programme, please complete the attached expression of interest form by 12 noon, Tuesday, 2 April 2024.

Register your Interest here: REGISTER

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17 April, 2024
$1400 + GST
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This event is online only