Recognising the significance of renewable energy solutions, Te Whanaketanga Te Tai Poutini West Coast 2050 Strategy identified it as a priority project. The aim is to unlock opportunities for renewable energy investment and job creation within the region. Central to the transition will be the effective coordination of local stakeholders into a united voice and an ability to carve our own path.
In April 2022, the West Coast Energy Action Group initiated the development of Te Tai Poutini West Coast Renewable Energy Strategy. Consultations with 38 stakeholders shaped a shared vision focused on aspiration and opportunity. While supporting renewable energy projects, concerns centred around cost barriers and energy supply security.
Hon Dr. Megan Woods, Minister of Energy and Resources, commended the West Coast for developing one of the first regional renewable energy strategies in New Zealand. “By identifying the region’s unique challenges, the initiative undertaken by DWC has put the West Coast into an excellent position to contribute and engage in the development of the New Zealand Energy Strategy.”