Statistics & resources

Statistics and resources for the West Coast region that can help shape your business decisions.

Statistics and resources

The following page contains resources for the West Coast region that can help shape your business decisions.


Development West Coast has invested in Infometrics to provide readily accessible economic data for the West Coast.

The Infometrics online profile is an interactive and dynamic tool enabling users to delve down into the underlying data and compare the West Coast region with other regions in New Zealand.

The tool contains a wealth of information on the economy, labour market, standard of living, exports, tourism, business, skills, productivity and population.

Quarterly economic monitor (December 2024)

View provisional quarterly economic data from Infometrics online or download the latest quarterly report:

Annual economic profile (year ended March 2024)

Infometrics' annual economic profile provides an in-depth description of the West Coast's economic structure and performance over the past year and previous years.


ASB Regional economic scoreboard

The economic performance of New Zealand’s 16 Regional Councils is ranked using the latest quarterly regional statistics on employment, construction, retail trade and house prices.

Tourism data

West Coast visitor trend dashboards

The West Coast Interactive Dashboard will enable you to access visitor number, spending, and accommodation data on a single screen and tinker with data on your own.

Tourism evidence and insights centre

MBIE / DOC's Tourism Evidence and Insights Centre provides insights, data and information about tourism in New Zealand. These resources are for anyone wanting to know more about what's happening in the tourism sector - policy makers, tourism businesses and the general public.

Tourism Electronic Card Transactions

The Tourism Electronic Card Transactions (TECT) have been established by MBIE as an interim replacement for the Monthly Regional Tourism Estimates.

Accommodation data programme

The Accommodation Data Programme (ADP) provides information about short-term accommodation activity at national, regional, and lower levels. It estimates the guest nights, occupancy rates and other measures relating to the accommodation industry.

Infometrics tourism dashboard

Infometrics provides annual data on tourism spending, employment and GDP contribution.


The domestic growth insight tool (DGiT) is an innovative online tool to help you boost the value you get from domestic tourism, it supports in identifying which Kiwi leisure travellers you target by understanding the holiday needs of the several audience segments that make up the domestic leisure travel market, from when they want to visit to their preferred type of accommodation.

Mood of the Nation reports

‘Mood of the Nation’ research commissioned by TIA and Tourism New Zealand measured New Zealanders’ perceptions of tourism. The survey is conducted twice a year, with over 1000 New Zealanders interviewed across the two surveys.

Key documents and resources


Business Capability Series

Other Videos