Ōpārara Arches
Regional Growth Study identified the development of the Ōpārara Arches into an iconic attraction as a major opportunity to stimulate development of the local and regional visitor economy and deliver social and economic benefits to the local area and its communities.
DWC contributed $60,000 towards a business case on improving tourism infrastructure at the Ōpārara Arches to protect the unique environment and enhance visitor safety. Based on this business case, an application to the PGF was successful in securing funding of $5.7m.
The first stage of the project has commenced, which includes track surface and toilet upgrades. The project is expected to employ 35 to 40 people over two stages.
DWC contribution: $60,000
Government investment: $5.7m

Investment attraction stories
Regional skills and employment programme
DWC secures funding for a regional skills and employment programme
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