Regional Business Partner Network

Regional Business Partner Network

Development West Coast (DWC) is part of the Regional Business Partner Network (RBP). The RBP network is a collaboration between Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment (MBIE) and Callaghan Innovation and 15 other Regional Business Partners across New Zealand.

As your Regional Business Partner, we have specialist growth advisors available to help business owners and key managers identify needs and opportunities to grow their business. We can also provide advice, information, referrals and connections to businesses seeking support to help take your business to the next level.

Our Advisors can help business owners and managers to:

  • Identify the needs and opportunities to grow your business
  • Connect you with a Business Mentors New Zealand experienced business mentor.
  • Help you with management capability development.
  • Provide relevant *business advice and access to research and development

*You might be eligible for MBIE Management Capability Development assistance.

Your first step is to register with the RBP programme.

From there, we'll contact you to discuss your business needs and determine the next steps.

For more information contact our Capability and Growth team:.

Business Mentors New Zealand

As part of the RBP Network, Business Mentors New Zealand offers mentoring to businesses, to start ups and to community organisations.

We can connect you with an experienced mentor who shares their knowledge, offers guidance and can help you figure out how to make the most of your business challenges and opportunities. There is a small admin fee to help cover the costs of administering the programme and you get support from a mentor for up to 12 months for SME and community organisations. For the start up programme it is for 6 months.

More info about Business Mentors New Zealand

Callaghan Innovation Research and Development

Research and development (R&D) is a key driver of innovation, business success and economic growth. Good ideas can lead to new products and services, smarter ways of doing things and a point of difference that sets your business apart.

Callaghan Innovation is a government agency supporting hi-tech businesses in New Zealand. There is a range of support, services and programmes available from Callaghan Innovation to support your business build its innovation capability as well as increase your investment in R&D. As your RBP we can help you access Callaghan Innovation’s innovation advice, innovation programmes or R&D co-funding to support your R&D programme.

Service providers

Interested in delivering training?

If you deliver business training or coaching services and would like to be considered to provide services to NZ enterprises, please follow the link for further information on Service Provider Eligibility and Qualifying Service Subjects in the Regional Business Partner Network.

For more information contact our Capability and Growth team:.

Our people

Business support stories